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  Topic: AFDave Wants You to Prove Evolution to Him< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1082
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,04:50   

Ah, the Cordova Cockstrut continues. I don't personally know Rilke's Granddaughter, so I can't call myself a friend. But I and several others have pointed out that you haven't presented a single piece of evidence that there's any significant French in Portuguese. Faid, in fact, just listed several what-look-like fairly authoritative articles on the language that would surely have mentioned it, if it were real. So when you say RGD is all alone in challenging you, what the fork are you talking about?

Now my curiosity is piqued. You claimed  
if you get a good Medieval History Encyclopedia, you can get all kinds of details about this period in history when Portuguese and Spanish diverged.  What you will see is massive Burgundian influence beginning with the influx of thousands of Burgundian knights
I would have no reason to doubt this. It still doesn't prove your point about the language, and Arden Chatfield only allowed that a massive French influence would be necessary, not sufficient to leave a significant linguistic footprint. But, again, I would have no reason to doubt it, except for the fact that you stated it, and you have an unbroken record for being wrong. So I'm going to check it out, and report back. See you then!

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

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