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  Topic: It's all settled!...Proof God Exists!, Apparently, by asking the question does< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 08 2009,03:57   

Quote (inquiry @ Dec. 07 2009,08:56)
Science deals with probabilities so I’m not trying to flatly account or discount anything about natural laws.
I call 'bullshit' on that, inquiry. You're a Creationist (YEC? Old-Earther?), so you bloody well are trying to "discount", at the very least,  the ability of natural laws to produce living things. How about you be honest and aboveboard about your agenda, eh?
What I want to address and try to answer is the probability of living organisms coming about by way of natural laws versus a designer/s.
Good luck with that (no pun intended), inquiry. For one thing, nobody knows the specifics of how abiogenesis would work, and how the heck can you calculate the probability of a process when most-to-all of the details of that process are unknown? For another thing, the how do you calculate the probability of an unknown process? objection applies in spades, doubled and redoubled, to this "designer" thingie of which you speak. Go ahead, inquiry, educate us all: How do you calculate the probability of a "designer" having acted, in the absence of any specific information whatsoever about this "designer"?
One of those unanswered questions is how do new species originate from already existing species.

"(U)nanswered questions"? "(U)n"-bleeding-"answered questions"? Give me a flippin' break, inquiry! I can easily believe that you happen to be ignorant of the answers to these questions, but guess what? Your ignorance of those answers does not make those answers cease to exist! Since others have already given you pointers to some of the answers which you implicitly claim to be nonexistent, I see no reason to provide any more such pointers myself; you can just as easily ignore/reject any pointer I give you as you can pointers given you by someone else.
Is there anything that convinces you that there is greater probability that natural laws alone are responsible for this?
Yes: In every case where we actually do know what's responsible for a new species having arisen, "natural laws alone" are responsible for that species having arisen.

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