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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 5455
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 01 2009,20:29   

Quote (dvunkannon @ Dec. 01 2009,09:50)
If anyone doubts Nakashima is working hard for those MSF contributions...

Through communion with the FSM, the Pasta, the Meatball, and the Holy Sauce, I was granted a vision of Aristotle, who spake thusly,

Nakashima thou fool, canst thou not see? Consider my explanation of causes, and stop bothering Joseph to explain that which he knoweth not.

The material cause of the eye of a fly is the protein and other bits and bobs – the crystallin after its kind, the rhodopsin after its kind, etc etc etc.

The formal cause of the eye of a fly is the genes of each cell, both the cells that constitute the eye and the cells which precede the eye, back unto the egg. And by this thou shalt include the genes of the mother fly, that secreteth a gradient in her eggs to guide their development.

The efficient cause of the eye of the fly is that agent whose agency designeth, and outsourceth, which thou know well. (Marinara, pray for us!)

The final cause of the eye of the fly is to guide the fly in its way of life, to clean up the world. Its niche, if thou willeth.

And thou art a fool, Nakashima, for not grasping immediately that my servant Denton hath used ‘influence’ only to mean the formal cause, and ‘determine’ only to mean the efficient cause, which distinction Joseph canst not articulate. Nor elucidate. Nor play on the sackbut. But I digresseth.

And Aristotle said, Nakashima thou worm, what doest thou?

And I said, It is the twelth month, on the first day of the month, in the fourth year since the Hanshin Tigers won a championship, and I am standing on the banks of the Setagawa eating okonomiyaki.

And Aristotle said, Get your nose out of your plate and look upward.

And I looked upwards, and beheld the blue sky, with some clouds and haze, and in it the shining orb of the sun.

And Aristotle said, See now, but not directly or you will hurt yourself, the efficient cause of which Denton hath said it determines the eye of the fly. Without the agency of this star, to give out frequencies of light of wavelengths after their kind, without this atmosphere, to absorb some of those frequencies and let others through, then the eye of the fly would be determined to be something else, or nothing at all, as happeneth in dark places and the bottom of the sea, and in the refrigerator before you open the door. But I digresseth.

And I looked, and saw, but not directly, the agency to which Denton alluded. And I was filled with great joy, for I had finished my okonomiyaki. And also for understanding a little more about the world. I looked down, and saw that a fly had landed on my plate and begun to eat a crumb I had left. I smiled.

That's beautiful, man.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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