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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 229
Joined: Aug. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 30 2009,10:15   

Quote (Erasmus @ FCD,Nov. 30 2009,08:45)
i am amazed that in the midst of the tardstorm surrounding "climategate" that you lot have the dedication for mining the thin seams at UD.  That my friends is True Love.  Not that much of a surprise at re-reconfirming what we had already rererererereconfirmed, namely denialists deny everything, but it is at least comforting to see that the banana is indeed yellow no matter what color the goddamned raven is.

I myself haven't decided which is worse; arguing Climategate with fundie denialists or arguing morality with fundie denialists (which is what the End of Christianity thread is quickly turning into).

For example, gaze upon this shining diamond of tard, courtesy of tribune7:


magnan, what I am saying is that without natural suffering — innocent, animal or otherwise — evil increase exponentially.

Cancer is not evil. What is evil is not having compassion for or being able to empathize with someone who has cancer.



And if that wasn't enough, here's a juicy one from [URL=


I have one question though, relating to animal suffering, which the book does not appear to address: has Dr. Dembski ever expressed an opinion regarding the possibility of some sort of afterlife for animals? The reason why I ask this if there is no afterlife for them, then we have a wrong (the suffering of innocent animals) that is never righted in the grand scheme of things.

I thought animals didn't matter, seeing as how humans are not animals and are a separate "kind" altogether?  Besides, in order for animals to make the afterlife cut they'd have to accept Jebus into their hearts, and everyone knows that animals aren't smart enough to do that.  Just ask Bobby Byers.

Edit: has anybody peeked the "What is Intelligence Thread" by niwrad recently?  Read through the writing style of that article and then tell me that guy isn't Dembski.

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‘‘I was like ‘Oh my God! It’s Jesus on a banana!’’  - Lisa Swinton, Jesus-eating pagan

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