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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2009,20:32   

Quote (RDK @ Nov. 27 2009,16:54)
Quote (Reg @ Nov. 27 2009,16:41)
Quote (RDK @ Nov. 27 2009,16:29)
So can anyone give a brief outline of what's actually going on with the whole "Climategate" scandal?  All I can find on the topic are ridiculously biased Washington Times opinion pieces.  From what I currently understand it has something to do with an unused variable in the so-called fudged data?

I know almost nothing of climate models or predictions, so it would be great if somebody posted some no-bull sources.

But I have learned from UncommonDescent that this makes you perfectly qualified to speak on the subject with authority. It's really all so much easier than you might think. Those who know almost nothing of climate models or predictions, or the type and relevance of the data being processed by software, or the transforms the software is applying to the data or the language in which that software is written can get to the bottom of the puzzle by simply reading the comments in a handful of the source code files.

PS: like RDK, I would also appreciate a beginner's synopsis of the "climate smoking gungate" story.

I checked a few pages back and apparently I hadn't noticed that Badger posted a very good collection of Scienceblogs articles on the subject:

Quote (Badger @ Nov. 27 2009,16:41)
I know that, while not in Austin, I don't get a lot of TARD directly here in TX, but other than denialists and idiots, are the hacked emails really something people are bothered about?  I haven't heard anything except scientists (esp climate scientists) response to it.  It has made a bit of noise at both Real Climate (here and here) and scienceblogs:

This island of doubt: here, here

Deltoid: here, related, more, more

Is the concern that this is not getting to the major "mainstream" media?  I don't waste my time with that, so I can't tell.  Of course, this is the media that is credulously broadcasting that Facilitated Communications bullshit (so I hear), so why should we expect them to get anything right?

Props to Badger.


They have some interesting quotes today on Deltoid - Drudge linked somewhere thinking it was a denialist piece, then deleted the link (where have we heard that before?) - the comments would fit right in with the UD thread.

But Realclimate is good (it's the first place I go for climate material, but the scienceblogs pages can make it more accessible for newcomers) - which reminds me, there were some rather funny comments from a "Girma" a bit back on a thread I participated in (for a bit - I couldn't let his idiocy on gravity go unchallenged) - it makes interesting reading (here), with this comment (from here):
When the moon pulls the top surface of the ocean, a vacuum is created under the ocean where the surface is pulled up, and this vacuum sucks water from all around it. It is similar to the low-pressure system that we see on land. The only difference is you replace air with water.

I don't think we directed him to UD, but he may be there already, for all I know.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

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