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  Topic: AFDave Wants You to Prove Evolution to Him< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 846
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,12:47   

will pretty much abandon the Ape Thread now as it has served its purpose.  I have successfully shown that there is nothing more than flimsy evidence which could be construed as positive support for Common Descent of Apes and Humans, although there is excellent evidence for common ancestry within the Apes as well as within all the other originally created kinds.

I do hereby rest my case that what you have in fact shown is a complete inability to rationally parse any argument whatsoever, and even to recognize that fact.

I again ask you to provide evidence that you can form logical, evidence based, rational argumentation on any subject you have a more relevant background in.

engineering, perhaps?  didn't you say you had an engineering degree?

care to show us anyplace on the web where we can examine your ability to rationally parse arguments in engineering?

(And while you are all at church tomorrow, you can confess all your arrogance and unkind words)

there's that projection again.

Dave, I should have gotten your comments on the parallels drawn by this simple comic which perchance even your addled brain might grasp:

  517 replies since April 17 2006,14:08 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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