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  Topic: Casey Luskin Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 398
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 17 2009,13:36   

Luskin ventures into the Darwinist Abyss that is The Intersection:


I want to echo Chris’s call for people to read and review Meyer’s book Signs of Intelligence. And I appreciate Chris’s candid admission that the book “is scarcely being refuted” so far. As far as I can see, Chris is pretty much right on that point.

As an ID proponent myself, I feel it would be great to see some serious critiques of Meyer. I’ll give critics three tips on how not to critique Meyer:

First, don’t call Meyer a young earth creationist, because he isn’t. (Jerry Coyne tried that tack and had to retract the claim.)

Second, don’t try to cast Meyer’s argument as a mere negative argument against material causes, as Mooney claims that Meyer “throws up his hands, and says, it’s so improbable, God must have done it.” Meyer arguments for design is unmistakably a positive one, and is not merely a negative argument against evolution. (In The Republican War on Science, Mooney affirmatively quoted authorities similarly trying to misrepresent Meyer’s PBSW paper as “simply lacking” a “positive case for the necessity of ID”. Seriously? See Part 12 of “Whose War is it Anyway”, which is linked from my name, for a lengthy refutation of Mooney’s claim.)

Third, don’t attack Meyer’s book before you read it. Anyone who claims or insinuates that Meyer’s argument for design is merely a negative critique of evolutionary mechanisms has clearly skipped a lot of chapters.

There are other common fallacies in most attempts to refute Meyer, but I look forward to someone who respectfully critiques Meyer without misrepresenting his arguments, and has read the book.

Heh.  This could get entertaining.

Evolander in training

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