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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 740
Joined: Jan. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 10 2009,15:05   

Quote (Maya @ Nov. 10 2009,20:20)
Quote (Kattarina98 @ Nov. 10 2009,11:02)

Just when I think I can kick the habit and stop visiting UD, something like this makes me see red.

Is Dembski really deluded and ignorant enough to believe that nonsense or is he simply utterly dishonest?  Surely he has had the evidence for evolution pointed out to him on numerous occasions?

At least bornagain77 and Joseph have the excuse of being proven morons.  Dembski seems to be just a scummy excuse for a human being.

Thus, when I got involved with the evolution controversy 20 years ago, I naively thought that any Christian, given sufficient evidence against Darwinism, would immediately jump ship.

Scientists, whether they're Christians or not, would jump ship IF given sufficient evidence against "Darwinism".
As Dembski himself is saying between the lines it would be much easier for Christians to be Christians if there were undeniable evidence of design. The most straight forward explanation of the fact that most scientist (with some clue of biology), regardless of their belief or non-belief in deities, are accepting evolutionary theory is that they're convinced by the evidence in its favour and that there's NOT enough evidence against it.
Dembski's explanation of this conundrum:
Having convinced themselves that design is an outdated religious dogma, they embraced Darwinism as a form of enlightenment. And having accommodated their faith to Darwin, they became loath to reexamine whether Darwinism is true at all.

Christian scientists embraced Darwinism as a form of enlightenment and therefore stopped examining the evidence? That's his explanation?
So, accepting evolutionary theory is like buying an iPhone to appear hip although you make only one phone call per week and never use any of its other functions*?

I strongly believe that there's a LOLcat out there that adequately depicts how I feel about this explanation but in the moment I'm unfortunately unable to find it.

* and wouldn't know how to use them anyway because you've lost the manual...

"Random mutations, if they are truly random, will affect, and potentially damage, any aspect of the organism, [...]
Thus, a realistic [computer] simulation [of evolution] would allow the program, OS, and hardware to be affected in a random fashion." GilDodgen, Frilly shirt owner

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