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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 861
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 06 2009,09:43   

Quote (Reg @ Nov. 06 2009,08:29)
O'Leary's curiosity-stunting manifesto made me sorrowful. I apologise if what follows is emotional, but I must vent...

Given that Darwinism is the creation story of atheism, one question it all raises for me – and this was raised by a relative a decade ago – why is Darwinism even public business? Who cares why the tyrannosaur died? Whether Neanderthal man was polygamous? Like, these questions are interesting, but how did they get to be the stuff of public business – school agency hearings and such?

Public business should be about roads, sewers, water mains and culverts, and bringing people off the highway to the Emerg when their cars crash up in a blizzard, and quickly sending shelter buses for people evacuated from a serious fire.

Yes, who cares why the tyrannosaur died or how Neanderthals lived; these are only questions which we ask because people are curious and like to know stuff about the universe in which they live. Let's restrict public business to the immediately concrete necessities of everyday life like roads and putting out fires and pulling people from snowdrifts. Let's not spend anything to ask questions and answer them simply for curiosity's sake; let's close down public funding of things which don't produce doctors and engineers - all you university-dwelling archeologists who've only found stuff out about dead people, and those philosophers and historians and anthropologists and classicists and linguists and theologists and artists and those funding-hog astronomers who've only ever built telescopes to look into the sky and sent rockets to distant planets to find out useless stuff like how many moons Jupiter has or how many stars are in our galaxy. That all just takes away money from public drainage schemes and how how did they get to be the stuff of public business?

The whole elite culture racket of telling teachers what they can or can’t say about “evolution” (= Darwinism = atheism, of course) could be shut down with no loss of science potential.

You say it, sister! People don't need to be told about evolution... and while we're at it let's not bother telling them about this “heliocentrism” stuff because people can get through life quite happily without knowing what orbits around what, and why insist on the culture racket of telling teachers what they can or can't say about gravity and “relativity” and explaining to their students why the moon doesn't fall down out of the sky - people know perfectly well that rocks fall to the ground but the moon won't and it's not as if knowledge of a heliocentric solar system orbiting the galactic centre has ever put a roof over anyone's head.

It’s quite likely that nearly half of Americans doubted “evolution” (= Darwinism) when they put a man on the moon. Most Canadians were probably not supporters of Darwinism when we built the Canadarm on the Space Shuttle.

Firstly, as a couple minutes with Google and such arcane search terms as Canada "acceptance of evolution" might have told her, it's quite likely that most Canadians probably were "supporters of Darwinism" when they built the Canadarm:
Which of these statements comes closest to your own point of view regarding the origin and development of human beings on earth?  "Human beings evolved from less advanced life forms over millions of years": 59%

Secondly, why does O'Leary seem happy for the Canadian taxpayers to have funded the Canadarm anyway? It's not like the Canadarm's ever helped anyone when their cars crash up in a blizzard. That's public money being spent on something which will never mend a road or install a sewer.

By her logic, why should anyone care to discuss ancient myths that have no observable effect on the real world, just what the crazy adherents actually physically do in the name of these superstitions?

Does this mean we can remove religion from the public square and put into into private like a hobby?

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

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