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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 229
Joined: Aug. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 04 2009,11:06   

If any of you are missing out on the ginormous "morality" debate raging within the fiery tard mines, I encourage you to participate as soon as possible.  Brent and Rude are reppin' some big-ass tard over there:

Don’t have time to read all what’s said above, but will risk weighing in anyway even though y’all may already have said it.

There are only two approaches to morality: Traditional morality and utilitarian morality.

Traditional morality begins with a moral code made known before the fact and people are judged for infractions of that code. Neither the judge (be he God or man) nor the sinner is to finagle the code after the fact.

Utilitarian “the end justifies the means” morality is just the opposite. Socialist elites who know what is best for us make up the rules as they go along. They know what kind of world they want and, because there are no absolutes, are generally willing to do whatever it takes to get us there—witness the tens of millions dead at the hands of socialists during the 20th century.

My sense is that justice today means the judge asking, “How does that make me feel?” Never—no never!—what actually was the intent of the Constitution.

For a wonderful read I suggest Thomas Sowell’s The Quest for Cosmic Justice (Free Press, 1999).

(Emphasis mine).

Socialist elites Yahweh, who knows what is best for us, makes up the rules as he goes along. He knows what kind of world he wants and, because there is no subjectivity involved, is generally willing to do whatever it takes to get us there—witness the tens of millions dead at the hands of socialists Israelites and other men of God during the 20th century entire lifespan of the Old Testament.

My sense is that justice today means the judge [God] asking, “How does that make me feel?” Never—no never!—what actually was the intent of the Constitution.

For a wonderful read I suggest Thomas Sowell’s The Quest for Cosmic Justice (Free Press, 1999) the entire OT, which, to save you some time, can basically be summed up quite nicely as: "And Jehovah doth strike the atheist, evolutionist, homosexual, liberal, communist, and whore, and shall indeed cast them into the fiery pit of doom because it gives him a tingly feeling in his marbles.  And all was good."

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‘‘I was like ‘Oh my God! It’s Jesus on a banana!’’  - Lisa Swinton, Jesus-eating pagan

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