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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Rilke's Granddaughter

Posts: 311
Joined: Jan. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,06:09   

Dave said
Qetzal-- I have not changed the subject on this thread or any other thread.  I have stayed right on topic on other threads, and will continue on topic on this thread also.
Now, we note that the OP is about evidence for God.  Unfortunately, Dave has yet to present any evidence for God.
I have given you three good evidences for the veracity of the Bible's claims about God, namely that Someone  Somewhere is a Brilliant Designer and Engineer, that Someone Somewhere probably set the parameters in the cosmos just right for life to exist, and that Someone Somewhere likely caused the universe to have a beginning because it looks like it did indeed have a beginning.
Dave, it's a darn good thing you're a businessman, because you know nothing about logic or argument.  Consider those three claims:  
Someone  Somewhere is a Brilliant Designer and Engineer
You have not provided evidence of this - you have made this assertion but failed to support it.
that Someone Somewhere probably set the parameters in the cosmos just right for life to exist,
Again, this is not evidence.  This is assertion. There is no way to distinguish a case of the universe existing by chance with these characteristics and a God having set them.

In fact, the existence of humanity in a universe where the constants were not favorable to the existence of humanity would actually be something approaching evidence.

Making things up is dishonest, Dave.  And dishonesty is one of those no-nos for Christians, right?  So why do it?

and that Someone Somewhere likely caused the universe to have a beginning because it looks like it did indeed have a beginning.
Hilarious.  Now you're indulging in logical fallacies to support your unsupported assertions.

This is an actual logical fallacy called "affirming the consequent"  For example: "If it is raining, the ground is wet. The ground is wet. Therefore it is raining." Since there exist things other than rain that cause the ground to be wet, you cannot logically conclude that it rained from a wet sidewalk.

Provide some evidence Dave; some real data.  Your Bible-based presuppositions don't count as actual data.

And I have shown you the plausibility of the concept of some Being "living outside of time and space."
No, actually you haven't.  You have claimed that such a thing can exist, despite the failure of logic involved in the claim.
 Now if that is not evidence to you, then I cannot help that.  It is what it is and it's excellent evidence to me.
But Dave, at the risk of offending you, you're not very bright: it's not evidence.  To claim it is is akin to claiming that fewmets are evidence that Bill Clinton is eight feet tall.

To all the lurkers out there, I trust you will have sense enough to read all my posts on this thread and make your own judgment.
They have.  They think you're an idiot.  Should we start a thread on that topic?  We could let the lurkers vote.

And now we will look at the "Phenomenon of Morality in the Universe."  Why does this provide evidence of a Creator?
It doesn't, because it doesn't exist.

Do try to stop making things up and uttering falsehoods long enough to hold an actual discussion, won't you Dave?  Thanks.

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