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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 15 2009,06:03   

Quote (Scienthuse @ Oct. 14 2009,21:20)
I've seen a few things you guys have been discussing about the flood.  First of all, current YEC theory believes tectonics and/or vulcanism to be major players in the flood, not just water.  

Louis mentioned thermodynamics and the broiling of things by the sediment and water.  Why?
Because (a) tectonic processes involve rocks sliding against each other, which means said processes necessarily generate heat (see also: "friction"), and (b) volcanic processes typically involve spewing heat -- and rather a lot of heat -- into the environment (see also "lava flow"). Since you YECists purport to accept all the same evidence as real science, but merely interpret it differently, you surely agree with real scientists about how many different lava flows have occured in the Earth's history; you just claim that all of said lava flows happened within a timespan of a few thousand years, as opposed to the few-billion-year timespan which real science says said lava flows happened within.
A few thousand years versus a few billion years: This is not a trivial difference. In fact, the difference is a factor of about one million. So when you YECists claim to accept all the same evidence as real science, you're cramming all those lava flows, and consequently all the heat associated with said lava flows, into a timespan roughly one one-millionth as long as what real science says. In other words: The YECist "same evidence, different interpretation" position necessarily entails that in the total heat output from volcanic processes be one million times greater than what real science says.

You shine one heat lamp on somebody, and they stay comfortable in cold weather; shine one million heat lamps on that same person, and they're quick-fried to a crackly crunch.
See the problem?
If the water was rising slowly over 40 days...

So how fast was the water rising over those 40 days, hm?
...then it would have reached different levels in different geographical areas.  So different events would be happening at different times.
At different times within a total timespan of 40 days, yes. Unless you want to argue that it took more than 40 days for the Floodewaters to cover over every bleeding point on Earth's surface?
If there was a lot of thermodynamic effect by fast moving sediment we would have convective heat transfer in the water and a lot of potential for diffusion of the heat.
That's nice, Scienthuse. I notice that you didn't bother to even pretend to work out how much heat would have to be dissipated (by convective heat transfer and diffusion and yada yada yada), but it's nice. And as I pointed out above, you YECists are cramming billions of years' worth of heat-generating events into a timespan of a mere thousands of years. So you YECists damn well better have a good, solid answer to "where'd the heat go, huh?", and not just some vague, unquantified handwaving in the general direction of "Uh... diffusion and convection! Yeah, that's the ticket..."
Also, it was asked where did the water come from and where did it go.  There are different theories.  Not to escape the issue but isn't that like asking where did hydrogen come from?
Not really. According to you Floode-believing YECists, there was dry land before the Floode; there was no dry land during the Floode; and finally there was dry land once again after the Floode. Therefore, you Floode-believing YECists simply must explain where the heck all the Floodewaters were hiding before the Floode, and where the heck said Floodewaters snuck off to after the Floode. Okay, you Floode-believing YECists only have to do that if you want the Floode to be accepted as a realio-trulio, sho'-nuff SCIENTIFIC THEORY!!!! -- but hey, you Floode-believing YECists do want the Floode to be accepted as a scientific theory, don't you? I mean, that's the whole point of all that those-nasty-dogmatic-Darwinians-won't-even-look-at-our-perfectly-reasonable-scientific-theory noise you YECists insist on making, right?

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