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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2009,15:32   

Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ Oct. 08 2009,21:14)
* I know these are traditionally Norman/Northern French tipples, but I forget which part of France you live in (our operatives know, but I'm {ahem} pretending not to know), so I can't request regional delicacies.

Pastis is actualy a typical south drink. I live in Nice, on the French Riviera, and Pastis is our traditional drink. Calvados is drank here as well, but as a post-dinner cordial...

My bad, I thought pastis was Northern (mostly). I don't know why I thought that, but I did. I shall perform three acts of contrition with some bad mayonnaise and sing the Marseillaise at an England rugby match to cover the shame I have brought on my French ancestors (my paternal grandmother was half French).

Of course everyone who is anyone drinks calvados.

Nice, lovely place. I've been there several times and enjoyed myself immensely. It's also not too far from some decent rugby! ;-)

Dammit, now I am getting my weekly Francophile urges. I would dearly love to live in France, the thing that scares me off a little is the bureaucracy associated with scientific institutions....mind you, bureaucracy always appears worse from far away!



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