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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2009,15:01   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Oct. 08 2009,20:47)
Quote (Louis @ Oct. 08 2009,15:41)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Oct. 08 2009,20:30)
Quote (Louis @ Oct. 08 2009,15:08)
ETA: Lou, the midterm, it went superbly one presumes?

Yeah, it seemed to.

I took a gratuitous shot at a creotard classmate in the essay which may or may not have gone over well, however.

I did support my claim that "Humanism is selfish, it's all about me and becoming God" was a retarded statement (though I worded that part more academically) made in willful ignorance and my answer was on topic, so I can't see how the instructor could really bitch about it.

Other than that, I pretty well nailed it to the wall and watched it bleed.

Taking pot shots at creationist classmates? Lou, you have balls as big as church bells. Won't there be a collective bout of pearl clutching and finger wagging? Do you have a fainting couch ready for the inevitable casualties?


Quite possibly. It's a good story, but I'm on my way out the door. It'll have to wait.

The question was regarding remnants of Romanticism in the culture today as a philosophy based on emotion and rejection of Enlightenment ideals of reason and logic.

That was all the opening I needed.

LOL That is an opening as wide as the Pacific Ocean. I think you're on safe turf.

There's a Freak Brothers cartoon where Fat Freddy sets about trying to write a horror movie (after a disappointing cinematic experience) and uses a huge quantity of speed as {cough} inspiration to churn out a quick script. Freewheelin' Franklin and Phineas return to read the script which basically reads:

"....And they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went and they went and then they went....."

If given the sort of opportunity you were I'm afraid I might end up with a Fat Freddy-esque screed that ran roughly:

"...And then fucking homeopaths di this and then fucking creationists did that and then and then and then and then..."

At the end of the exam period I'd probably need to be shot with a heroin/thorazine dart to stop me.



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