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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2009,13:58   

Quote (OWKtree @ Oct. 08 2009,12:36)
To summarize, if you accept an old Earth (4+ billion years old and the accompanying geology (stratifigraphy, plate tectonics, etc.) does that require acceptance of the current theory of the evolution of life?  (And if not, what is a rational theory that explains the known evidence?)

- Kurt

When you look for what the anti-evolutionists actually believe about the the facts which we see -- fossils, radiometric dating, etc) the only ones that are relatively clear and upfront about their ideas are the YECS, in my opinion. Sure, they're wrong, but at least they're clear about what they think.

The ID-ists that I know about range from Behe's acceptance of evolution to Dembski's "I'll never tell!." The latter accepts an old age for the Earth, but is also a literalist who accepts a real Adam and Eve, but never really reveals how he thinks species arise. He now rejects "front-loading," though. I figure he really accepts that evolutionary speciation occurs, but he doesn't want to rankle the people that buy his books most.

The rest of the ID crowd also seems to be clearest about what they dislike about NeoDarwinian Theory rather than what THEY propose as mechanism. Again, deliberately, in my view.

With "Long-Age" ANTI-evolutionists...the only thing I can think of that they propose as a mechanism for new forms to arise is special creation for each one via "Divine genetic engineering" in the words of some of Hugh Ross' group. As near as I could tell, it appears to be species arising through special creation all through time, really.

I certainly haven't seen any detailed, defensible theory out of any of the Anti-Evolutionists, whether Yec, Long-Age antievo or IDist antievo.

I don't see how anyone can get around the evidence we now have in terms of an old Earth and The New Synthesis. It's simply better than anything else offered.

I'd certainly be interested to hear what info others might have read on any actual mechanisms proposed by Long-Age or ID Antievolutionists

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

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