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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2009,12:21   

Okay, I was Quaggy and just got banned.  I had, over the course of several threads, challenged Barry on his misrepresentation of Seversky (PM me, you wonderful man!;) in the whole pr0n vs. Catholic charity question. I took a poke at him again on the Polanksi thread over this in the first comment that got me in trouble. I have bolded the part that they purged from my comment.

11:18 am


The issue is NOT whether materialist defend the rape of 13 year-old girls. As I have shown, some of them do and some of them do not.

I assume that you are referring to the quote by Tom Shales and not to the violence you did to poor Seversky in a previous comment thread. I won’t bother to ask how you know Shales is a materialist. I will grant you that he is. I might even be persuaded to grant that Warren Jeffs is a materialist, but you will need to be pretty darn persuasive. ;)

For the materialist that does not defend the rape of 13 year old girls, on what GROUNDS do you oppose it?

I already answered that question. I oppose it on the grounds that it is a clear violation of the girl’s liberty, exacerbated by the fact that she was of an age where she was incapable of making rational decisions regarding liberty.

Or do you appeal to a moral order outside yourself? If the latter, what is the basis of that moral order? This last question is the real issue.

Well, I answered that also, although I was way too parsimonious in my answer. As a deist, I tend to follow the example of the great deist, Enlightenment thinkers that preceded me. So long as an individual or group of individuals act in accord to their conscience and don’t impede the liberty of any other individual or group of individuals (call it a tacitly cooperative), civil society works.

I will certainly grant that organized religion has played a significant role in the inculcation of these rules of civil society (even while often erring on the side of restricting individual liberty). As a deist, I believe that they were basically derived, over history, through individual’s mostly unsuccessful (and occasionally successful) attempts to live in concert with each other. It is a strictly utlitarian view. I do not accept that these rules were handed down by any supreme being. Indeed, as hdx demonstrated in his now purged post, I do not find organized religion or its written guides in any way uniquely authoritative.

A couple things stand out.  They deleted more than my insult of Barry in the first part.  The comment regarding Warren Jeffs was intended to make the point that what Polanski did is not solely a "materialist" problem. It is a human problem, what with Jeffs being a leader of a splinter Mormon sect that believed in polygamy and forcing girls as young as 12 into marriages with sect elders.  What is also interesting is that, even as they editted out that second part referring to hdx comment about how Dueteronomy says to punish rape of a girl, Clive quoted it in this response.  Poor Clive just isn't the ripest cabbage in the patch sometimes.

So, figuring that I was already banned, I submitted another comment figuring only the moderators would see it. Imagine my surprise when it went right through.  Imagine my further surprise when it was deleted within two minutes.  That comment is reproduced below.

11:42 am

I see that my comment has been edited under the guise that I insulted an editor. There was more than just that specific comment that was deleted, though. There was context relevant to the discussion. I find this truly sad.

First, as has been discussed elsewhere, that editor was quite uncharitable in his treatment of a commenter. Second, he has been rather draconian on what type of comment he would allow. I would have to say that, as a Christian and a self-described First Amendment attorney, Barry has provided a timely reminder of man’s fallen state.

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