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  Topic: Dembski's Baptist Seminary Replacement hired, He's a Young Earth Creationist< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 478
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,10:13   

Regarding Wise's take on science education... don't they already teach that science is a process in schools? (What the #### does saying that science is a "finite product" mean anyway?)

I think I understand this. Most science in secondary schools is presented as a laundry list of facts to be memorized. The delivery is basically "here's what science says. Memorize and regurgitate." Even the theory of evolution is presented in this manner: Here is the theory of evolution. Learn it. I know my own education never presented science as a process. It was simply a daunting mountain of what science says is true.

My reading of Wise is, he's saying that we already know what's true, scripture specifies it beyond doubt. Scripture is a "finite product", an exposition of God's Word. Science is the process by which mortal men can relate the world around us to God's Word, to know that it IS the Truth. This process is obviously only getting started, and our best guesstimates using this process have a very long way to go before we start to narrow in on God's Truth, but at least knowing the answers, we can unambiguously indentify those areas where the scientific process has gone seriously astray.

  23 replies since May 16 2006,22:09 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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