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  Topic: The permenance vs. evolvability of design, are designed species fixed?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 395
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,12:14   

Larry of course didn't get it, but over on his blog, I pursued this with him on the subject of coevolution.

Basically, non-YE creationists are caught on a logical fork when they try to simultaneously admit what they call 'micro'evolution, and claim that coevolutionary relationships are too specific, or 'finely tuned' to have evolved.

If 'micro'evolution happens, then it will quickly throw such relationships out of whack, meaning that what we see today wasn't designed, it evolved, even if the 'original' relationship was designed. If 'micro'evolution, on the other hand, won't alter the relationship, then how specific could it have been in the first place? Not specific enough to be any kind of logical problem for evolution apparently.

Anyway, it's great to see the YECs in the 'big tent' make ID look stupid, talking about "kinds" and such. That's their only refuge from the question, though. Good luck getting anyone to answer it.

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--Joe G

  6 replies since May 11 2006,10:33 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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