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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: April 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,07:59   

We call them "machines" because they have some trivial similarities to man made machines, that does not mean they are designed. They are complex, this does not mean they are designed. They perform functions, this does not mean they are designed. Dawkins writes popular science books, I will agree that they look designed to a layman who does not have a good grasp of the relevant topics in evolution and biochemistry.

Trivial!  Trivial!  I just choke on that!  To me, biological systems are the most profound antithesis of "triviality" that one can possibly imagine!

Have you waded through the supposed scenario for how a flagellum supposedly could have evolved on Talk Origins?

I have and it seems to me to be First Rate Alice in Wonderland!  The author proposes this and that and this and that and goes on and on proposing a myriad of things for which I can see absolutely no basis for believing it could possibly happen except for wishful, hopeful thinking.

How is this scientific to discard our intuition about things with "complex specificity" and build grand imaginary castles of how it "might have happened" when we really have never had any experience at all with it ACTUALLY happening that way?  Wishful thinking par excellence if you ask me.

Although I have not read much about cosmic fine tuning, my concern is this: If there is no divine creator, life can only exist in a universe that has the correct constants. If there is a divine creator, life could be created in a very unhospitable universe. Does this disprove God? No, but the point is there is no proof that these constants were set by a creator. For the purposes of the argument on evolution I am prepared to accept that they are however.

Well, yes life could exist in an unhospitable universe, but why in the world would the Creator do that?  Then he'd have to basically be performing miracles every nano-second to sustain life.  I would not postulate that.  This to me has nothing to do with it.  I am simply saying this -- nothing else -- that "Doggone it ... this universe sure is suited nicely for life ... how did that happen?  Is there maybe, maybe, maybe a possibility that maybe, maybe, maybe "someone" could have set the parameters that way?  It seems silly to not even consider this possibility.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

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