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  Topic: Daniel Smith's "Argument from Impossibility", in which assumptions are facts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: May 10 2009,00:57   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ May 09 2009,12:10)
Quote (rhmc @ May 03 2009,17:33)
Quote (Daniel Smith @ May 03 2009,17:37)
I don't read oldman's posts.  I've explained my reasons for this several times.  He knows that but just keeps on posting anyway.  Same with Louis.

both have posed valid questions.  

to be honest, it kinda looks like you can't answer them and that's why you claim you don't read their posts.

so, instead of reading their posts, here's two questions:

where is the evidence for the biblical flood?

where is the genetic evidence of a human population of only 8 people from which all of us descend?

I've covered this several times.

I did not come here to debate the flood.  

I came here to point out the fact that the atheists here do not know how life came to be, do not know how life evolved, and ignore its obvious design.

I asked for an explanation as to how a specific amino acid biosynthetic pathway evolved and received no concrete answers.  Appeals were made to one unverified hypothetical pathway, but when pressed, the admission was made that it was no where near settled science.  I must point out here that I could have asked for an explanation for a whole host of other, much more complex living systems, but I purposely limited my question to an "easy one".  

I've shown that the reason these atheists don't accept the design in life has nothing whatsoever to do with science.  It is based solely on bias - an unwillingness to consider God as an option.

I conducted a thought experiment whereby the atheists here were asked to explain the origins of a detailed face on Mars (were there to be one).  Without hesitation, with no appeals to science, and with no "design filter" applied, they all agreed that such a thing "must be" designed.  The reason?  They could accept the possibility of a designer on Mars "like us".  Design then, when a designer was deemed "possible", was intuitively obvious, in spite of the fact that there are natural mechanisms that could conceivably build such a thing.

When pressed to apply this principle to life on Earth, the admission was made that, although they could conceive of a designer for life, THEY CHOSE NOT TO!

I've come to the conclusion that you atheists hide behind science because you know that it cannot test for God.  You pour over the books to reinforce your belief that life is just a cosmic coincidence.  You think that science has eliminated the need for God, yet science has explained exactly nothing regarding the origins of life.

The design of life is intuitively obvious to the vast majority of the world's population.  Perhaps if you pull your nose out of your books long enough to look around and consider the absolute majesty of it all, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what the rest of us see.  

I will continue to learn, read and study about life because the scientific literature poses no challenge to my belief in God.  Everything I've read to this point: all of the papers, all of the books, all of your posts, have only reinforced my faith.  There are no coincidences that could build the things I've seen.  Life is more than science.  Man is more than molecules.  There is a spiritual universe of which all here express complete ignorance.  

You all will continue to ignore such things as you have ignored even the scientific literature that is not of the mainstream mindset.  

In conclusion, the atheistic position, as it has been expressed here, is one characterized by narrow mindedness, cowardice, a lack of knowledge, willful ignorance and extreme bias.  Add to that a healthy dose of judgmental egotism and you'll accurately describe the average atheist posting here.



excellent trollery.

i look forward to seeing you reinvent yourself again, legion

this was a nice character.  next time try for a portugese lesbian catholic mathematician excommunique who remains faithful to god despite her theology separating her from The Church.  or something

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

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