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  Topic: Daniel Smith's "Argument from Impossibility", in which assumptions are facts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2009,11:59   

Quote (JohnW @ May 05 2009,16:38)
Quote (Louis @ May 05 2009,01:43)
It'll be one of them there complex feedback type thingies. Brain chemistry influences brain state, brain state influences psychology, psychology influences ideology, ideology influences psychology, psychology influences brain state, brain state influences brain chemistry. Or something not entirely unlike that.

You haven't provided sufficient detail.  Therefore, by the Law of Personal Incredulity, God did it.

Ah yes of course. I shall amend my comment accordingly:

It'll be one of them there complex feedback type thingies. God made brain chemistry, god then makes it influence* brain state, god made brain state, god then makes it influence** psychology, god made psychology, god then makes it influence*** ideology, god made ideology, god then makes it influence**** psychology, then god makes psychology influence***** brain state, then god makes brain state influence****** brain chemistry. Or something not entirely unlike that.



* Don't ask how, we don't have to match your pathetic level of detail.
** Don't ask how, we don't have to match your pathetic level of detail.
*** Don't ask how, we don't have to match your pathetic level of detail.
**** Don't ask how, we don't have to match your pathetic level of detail.
***** Don't ask how, we don't have to match your pathetic level of detail.
****** Don't ask how, we don't have to match your pathetic level of detail.


  1103 replies since Jan. 26 2009,15:45 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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