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  Topic: Daniel Smith's "Argument from Impossibility", in which assumptions are facts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2009,03:43   

Quote (k.e.. @ May 04 2009,20:11)

Yeah yeah, we all know. You can't answer the questions we ask, don't like the fact that we (and many others) see straight through you, don't like the fact that we refuse to sit quietly and nod at your dishonesty...

Oh wait, you mean those aren't the reasons? You seem to be differing with reality....again. Big shocker.

One word: Psychosis.

Dan suffers from it....there's probably a brain chemistry explanation.

Indubitably, my good sir.

It'll be one of them there complex feedback type thingies. Brain chemistry influences brain state, brain state influences psychology, psychology influences ideology, ideology influences psychology, psychology influences brain state, brain state influences brain chemistry. Or something not entirely unlike that.


This is the theory, the theory that is mine, it is my theory, no other person's theory is this, my theory is as follows, what is coming up is my theory...


Stuff affects other stuff.

Thank you.



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