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  Topic: Unintelligent Reasoning< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2723
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2009,20:29   

Quote (olegt @ April 04 2009,10:43)
Joe has no one to talk to on his own blog, so he goes to UD to say this:      
I understand perfectly well what nested hierarchy means.


That brings back fond memories of Sam of Ballyvourney and the stuff in his pocket. Joseph had a great deal of trouble realizing that we could treat the contents of Sam's pocket as a set—even if his pocket were empty (which with Sam is often the case).
Zachriel: Are these sets?

* Sam's male descendents.
* Twigs on a single branch.
* My bushel of apples.
* The contents of Sam's pocket.
* What if my pocket is empty?

Let's call the contents of a pocket, pocket-stuff. Now, Sam is from Ballyvourney.

* Is the set 'Sam's pocket-stuff' nested within the set of 'Ballyvourney pocket-stuff'?
* And as Ballyvourney is in County Cork, is the set 'Ballyvourney pocket-stuff' nested within the set 'County Cork pocket-stuff'?
* And is the set 'County Cork pocket-stuff' nested within the set 'Irish pocket-stuff'?

Joseph: Only if Sam is in Ballyvourney.

Zachriel: You must not know Sam. Sam can always be found at the Ballyvourney Mills Inn dancing the Ballyvourney Jig.

Heh. Anyway, this was meant to just be a quick prelude to a discussion of nested hierarchies in terms of sets. But then...

Joseph: The empty set is not a subset of itself.

Zachriel: The empty set is a subset of every set, including itself. Every set is a subset of itself. And every set is a subset of the union of that set with any other set. Hence,

'Sam of Ballyvourney's pocket-stuff' is a subset of 'Ballyvourney pocket-stuff'.

Even after weeks, Joseph refused to learn anything whatsoever. His adamantine ignorance is astounding.

Finally, Joseph said I couldn't post unless I supported a strawman of his devising. That was back during Davescot's bout with coulrophobia. Good times.


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.

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