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  Topic: Daniel Smith's "Argument from Impossibility", in which assumptions are facts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 24 2009,18:53   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ Feb. 24 2009,19:46)
Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Feb. 23 2009,20:16)
Quote (Daniel Smith @ Feb. 23 2009,17:59)
It has not been shown to be false.

Explain to me the exact processes that produced the new complex organization in the Tragopogon species and then you'll show my assertion to be false.

So far, all we've got is allopolyploid speciation.
What genes were expressed/repressed?  What enzymes were involved and how were they created?  How are the biochemical pathways regulated and where did this regulation come from?  Is there really anything new here - or is this what you'll always get when you throw these two genomes together?

There are lots of questions to ask if you care to ask them.

You have, in this very thread, conceded that the novel Tragopogon species meet your original criteria. I won't bother to document your inability to keep the goalposts in place.

The mechanisms have yet to be worked out in the detail that you demand (for others, but not for yourself), but there is no reason (other than your blinders) to assume that natural processes, known to science, can explain it. You do not need to invoke anything special, nor anything supernatural, to get there. Furthermore it matters not a bit if this is what you "always get", or if it happens once and never again. That is another goalpost on the move.

And the only question that needs to be asked are the ones you have avoided all along. What mechanisms would you use to explain these observations, and what is the evidence for your position? You clearly have issues with the way the Soltis team is trying to explain the observations, but you don't have anything positive to add to the discussion at all.

I've explained the mechanisms of creation as well as anyone here has elucidated the mechanisms of evolution.

Life was built by an omniscient being who was able to bring atoms together via an as-yet-unknown method.  He used his vast knowledge of chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics, the future and the past to design successful biological systems which would be functional, adaptive, self-maintaining, elegant, efficient and evolvable.  He used the as-yet-unknown method to implement said designs into life.  This method was probably similar to the one we humans use on a macro-scale when we build houses, bridges, cars and the like.  It involves the orderly joining of parts into a whole.

The evidence for omniscience is the fact that all life is mind-bogglingly complex in its organization.  The evidence for a divine plan is the fact that all signs point to an earlier and earlier organizational complexity of life and the fact that there is an increasing reliance by scientists upon reorganizational and combinatorial, rather than mutational, mechanisms to explain such.

It's as good as any of your explanations now.  If you want more detail - I asked you first!

BTW, the novel Tragopogon species does not meet my original criteria - it meets a later challenge.

In order to meet my original criteria, the origin must be fully explained.

The fact that this species has multiple origins and undergoes concerted evolution does not bode well for any of the commonly accepted random evolutionary mechanisms.

I'm glad we're still talking about flowers though!

So how big is His penis?

And why did He need such?

Does He need to pee?

Does He have nocturnal emissions?

Does He masturbate?

As I was not created in His image, do I need to listen to His instructions?

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...

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