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  Topic: IDC Advocates Speak, Experiencing TARD Benders< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Richard Simons

Posts: 425
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 24 2009,08:05   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 24 2009,04:35)
On that subject, since the "claims-remain-the-same"* so often in IDCist arguments I'm thinking along the lines of Mark Isaak's Index to Creationist Claims but on placards. Every time little Casey Whiny Bollocks opens his gob and unfurls a turd onto the ears of his audience how about a segment of that audience, calmly, quietly, and oh so ever politely, lifts the relevant placard? These could be small (A4 size) so as not to interfere too greatly, but just enough to make the point. ten or so people quietly sat in the front row each holding up a placard briefly explaining the lie/fallacy being presented (title of placard would be large and easily legible). Leaflets could be produced which explained the common fallacies and gave references to more extensive works.

It would take a bit of setting up, and attendees at a few of Casey (or whoever's) lectures would need to get transcripts (or recordings for later transcriptions) so that the work could be distributed. IIRC that also won't fall foul of copyright (it's fair use as long as you translate from one medium to another for the purposes of criticism IIRC, IANAL).


I, too, do not live in an area with rampant creationists being taken seriously, but I had similar thoughts. Sit near the front and, if something incorrect is said, just stand up and politely say 'Excuse me, but that is not correct.' This could quickly tail off to just putting your hand up each time, but I'm sure it would make the point to the rest of the audience and also be very disconcerting for a speaker - not something I'd consider fair against normal opponents but given the tactics of Gish, Luskin, etc . . .

All sweeping statements are wrong.

  266 replies since Feb. 17 2009,12:28 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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