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  Topic: RFJE's Personal Thread, Because our toilet is already cluttered< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2009,11:34   

I was going to write a big long piece and refer to the growth of science in the previous centuries, and how honest men of faith approached the subject; as reading God's handiwork, in order to better understand the glory of God, but I won't.

I'll just add this to what Louis already said, RFJE: many American theists in particular  seem to view science as "the enemy" of their faith. This is a huge mistake.

God can't be taken out of the picture for those that have faith which can withstand scrutiny and questioning -- so there's no need to view "science" and the gathering of knowledge as something to be feared.

Knowledge is power and with it comes responsibility, yes, but there are good theistic and philosophical arguments all around you that God wants humans to find more and more knowledge, and responsibility -- to become better caretakers of themselves and the world in which we all have to live. If you personally believe in a God, then you should also believe that your brain is a product thereof. Whether I happen to agree with that or not is irrelevant. What counts is the logic of your faith, or the lack of faith found in your illogic.

From this perspective, your view is insulting to the very gifts of intellect and curiosity that you will say God instilled in mankind.

The actual evidence for evolution is overwhelming. The investigation of abiogenesis has only begun in the last few decades, really. Your claim that we *cannot* know is one that is solely based on ignorance and a misplaced sense of fear and a culturally-induced grasping for power.

Ask yourself what power really is, to humans on this planet, RFJE. Think really hard about what it means. Imagine yourself *alone* on Mars, say, with tons of gold and a thousand atomic bombs, but no way to affect any other humans directly. Do you have power? No. You couldn't do anything if you wanted, except to yourself. If you want to claim that as power, great, but it ends with you.

Power, on this planet, is the ability to get other living beings  to think and do what you want them to, to shape things to your will. Religions wield power, and they also teach children from a young age how to view the world,  what to fear and what to love.

Don't keep making the mistakes that other theists have already made...the Galileo and Giordano Bruno episodes didn't make the Catholic Church look good, you know.

If you want to talk about the actual science without having people mock your claims, then you should try not to preach and pose about things you clearly don't know about. Try it, and you'll find a much more receptive and kind-hearted audience. If not, well, then it's easy to just keep making fun of your claims and ideas.

Your choice.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

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