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  Topic: Can there be a thread to congrats to Louis' baby?, If so, this is it.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2009,13:52   

Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ Feb. 20 2009,19:41)
Quote (Louis @ Feb. 20 2009,20:34)
Merci beaucoup, mon ami. Mais je n'ai pas besoin de ce chose. Les enfants ici sont malheureusement stupides.


P.S. My written French has seriously suffered, hell my French has suffered because I simply don't practice enough. And verlan has just confused the issue. ;-)

Wow! You did well. Almost perfect (only almost because "chose" is female and should be preceded by "cette"). Congrats!

BUGGER! I was debating the sex of "chose" as well. I plumbed for male on a coin toss. C'est le* vie!


*I know, I know. It's a joke.

ETA: I do actually speak French, I just need to use it occasionally. A couple of days in France and I'm almost indistinguishable from a Norman (where I learnt most of my French, and picked up an atrocious Normandy accent).


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