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  Topic: Can there be a thread to congrats to Louis' baby?, If so, this is it.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2009,11:24   

Quote (BWE @ Feb. 20 2009,02:39)
If not, I plead the fifth. Or probably over half of it anyway. But I hope so.

First, Louis, you're a bastard for doin' that to your wife. But don't worry you'll suffer for it.


Does anyone have any of that good advise to offer the soon to be dad?

I do.

1. You don't get to even wonder if you might be right for just under 2 years. Serious. Don't do it. After that, it's back to however it was ( I don't need to know).

2. Water birth. Our youngest was a water birth but since the twins were c-section it was like a first. But I do have the two episodes to compare even though they were lots different due to twins, breach, emergency c-section and all, My better half was in labor about 5 hours first. It was like that girl in the scary movie when her head spun round.

The water birth wasn't just easier though. It was easy.

I even got to sit in the tub with her which was pretty cool.

I have confirmation that outward appearances matched inward appearances so this is how I tell it:

A water birth is like skydiving with a trick chute so you hit the ground a little fast. It hurts some but not like you'd think (consult a place that does them, they'll have videos to show you).*

Natural non water birth is like having a big old paratrooper style chute you have to open at like 200m or so.

Only it fails to open,.

But you live.

That's the other way.

Just sayin.

Anyway, hope you get a box of nice cubans.


ETA:* water births, not skydiving.

eta2: fixd some words.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

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