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  Topic: RFJE's Personal Thread, Because our toilet is already cluttered< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 45
Joined: Feb. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2009,09:32   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Feb. 14 2009,08:12)
Let me reiterate, RFJE, that if you want to talk Science, this is a great place to do it.

If you want to proselytize, you need to do it elsewhere.

Scientific investigation--is it not based on observation. I offered you evidence of the innate nature of man's individuality to give evidence for the human spirit.  I wrote that one to Louis.  It's all in the chemistry of the brain you say--even ethical judgement or conscience.  If we're just chemicals trying to survive and promote the species why is there guilt?  You say it's the evil religionists' fault.

Okay-- so I offered you evidence of things I have observed that are outside the explanation of chemistry or any natural explanation, because they were events--but you did not believe me.

Okay--so I offered you evidence of only a small example of prophecy--you tell me I am trying to convert you.

Okay--so I offer you something that I believe is a misunderstanding by alot of people--the law.  And with it the evidence of our sinful nature.  And yes it is a very sexual nature.   You guys tell me I shouldn't wallow in sin--and again you tell me not to proselytize.

The bottom line is that we are on two different wavelengths.  I do not disagree the facts in chemistry or biology.  I disagree with you in the subject of origins.

Then when one of your own scientists who is trained by evolutionary science, and is highly credentialed, turns  and says, "You guys, there's too many problems with this theory and I really think there is some design implications here in this thing I'm studying--then suddenly--he is no longer a scientist.  SO let's take away his funding, his status in the community, and then ridicule him if he is funded by Christians who believe in a designer.

I had some more natural science for you which at least you would have seen as evolutionary, but I hit the wrong button and lost it.  I'll redo it.

And Louis I will answer your questions--and you do LIKE to do this it's not just the quarantine effect, or you wouldn't put so much energy into it.

I have to take my son to a game.

  452 replies since Feb. 09 2009,10:18 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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