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  Topic: RFJE's Personal Thread, Because our toilet is already cluttered< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2009,07:29   

Quote (RFJE @ Feb. 14 2009,13:02)
Quote (Dr.GH @ Feb. 13 2009,22:59)
Bugger off you creato-bot.

Your crap reading of scripture has per Romans 2: 23.  Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? 24.  For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

In Romans , especially  the first 8 chapters you will find that:

1) All have broken the law. All have sinned. Sin brings death (separation from God). Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23

[SNIP God walloping]


Hello again. It seems that you are keen to ignore simple questions in favour of giving lengthy biblical rants. I humbly suggest this is not the best way to communicate with this audience. Is there any chance you could answer my simple questions please? I've asked very nicely several times now. What is stopping you?

Here they are again:

Rather than initially deal with everything you bring up, I'm going to try to do something different from normal and get to the root of your issues. I'd be very grateful of you could answer a few questions for me:

1) For what purpose have you decided to post at AtBC? Are you on a conversion mission or have you come to discuss things in a more adult manner?

2) Precisely what "pernicious beliefs" do "we" spread through the schools and media?

3) Why are those "pernicious beliefs" pernicious? I.e. what damage do they do and how are they evil?

4) What about those "pernicious beliefs" makes them beliefs? I.e. presumably there are aspects of the real world upon which you and I could agree (more on this in a moment). The word belief at least implies that little or no reference to available evidence is made.

5) Is there any piece of well supported, evidence based science which you think we could agree upon? I'm trying to find some utterly uncontroversial, evidence based common ground  we can build a discussion from. At the moment, I think you're talking at people and just starting a nonsensical flame war.



  452 replies since Feb. 09 2009,10:18 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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