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  Topic: RFJE's Personal Thread, Because our toilet is already cluttered< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3094
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2009,09:01   

Quote (RFJE @ Feb. 12 2009,22:03)
As for the case in Africa, you have to understand that they are a more spiritually based culture.  The idea that there is no spirit world to them to mock, just like atheists here mock Christians.  
Some good missionary friends of ours were Presbyterian--great folks!  Presbyterians are not closed to miracles, but are very conservative in their views towards that subject.  They believe that was mainly confined to the apostles. But they had been in Africa for 10 years when we came.  They told us  they were praying with a man to receive Christ one time and the fetish rings(worn for spiritual protection) on his hands suddenly flew off his hands.  

The implication of your cute little story is that the indigenous beliefs were evil...the " native fetishes" flying off a man being prayed over -- surely this is the power of God overcoming evil, right?

I'm sorely tempted to say something very harsh here, but I won't. I'll just point out that such attitudes towards "the other" have resulted in the destruction of more native cultures than I can count.

If a technologically advanced group called your Christianity a  blood-cult evil for the outright imagery of human sacrifice and cannibalism, for instance...I'm sure that would meet your approval. Anecdotes about crucifixes flying because they required the worship of a sacrificed dead man tortured on sticks... that would obviously please you, right? You'd buy that in a second, wouldn't you?

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

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