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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 45
Joined: Feb. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2009,21:44   

[Graffiti moved to Bathroom Wall. - Lou FCD]

Quote (Nerull @ Feb. 08 2009,20:03)
You might start with reading those textbooks you speak so highly of. You seem to cite many things, but understand none of it. Your 'points' are so bad they aren't even wrong. You knowledge of chemistry, for example, is severely limited, and in no state to be making pronouncements.

And you challenged some barely-paid tour guide working his summer job who likely had no idea what he was talking about and may have just been bullshitting anyway. Good for you. Great job. That defiantly proves all scientists are wrong.

I am not a chemist, nor a philosopher, nor a scientist.
Can I be a "science student?"  Can I be a well read layman?  Is this a crime?  Do I have to be one of the first three to be able to reason? Is that not elitism? Is not your knowledge in some fields limited?  

I am one the "general population," who is interested in science and being told that evolution is fact, and that God is a fairy tale.  That something came from nothing by its own means.  That an unguided everything became something.  That the great result caused itself.

I have a field in which I am very knowledgeable, but something tells me you would have no interest .  If my points are so bad, why don't you stop attacking my knowledge of the field of chemistry and show me WHY I'm wrong.  I am not unwilling to learn.  Show me!

My point was not the social status of the tour guide, nor that scientists are wrong, but his willingness to accept carbon 14 dating as undeniable truth.  Look, the dude was telling us all about the cave and sounded like the discovery channel, okay?  Whether he had letters behind his name or he had a memorized script I don't know, but what he was saying didn't come out of his head. He got the knowledge somewhere, and you would have agreed with probably everything he said.

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