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  Topic: GoP's LAMSM Theory, Liberal Agenda of the Mainstream Media?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,10:34   

Will it be an explanation of the "compelling" evidence of how heterosexual marriages are hubs on a scale-free network, and how adding gay marriages shorts out the network? Because it's been like two weeks since you said you were working on that model.

I mean, I assume you don't just go around shooting your mouth off claiming ties between complicated math topics and your social beliefs, with no basis for saying so? I don't go around saying my opposition to the death penalty is based on the nilpotents of Abelian cyclic groups. That would be an asinine thing to do. That's not what you did, was it? Surely you have some kind of vague model in mind or you wouldn't have said that, no?

  221 replies since April 27 2006,06:17 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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