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  Topic: A very young child awakes one morning ...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 40
Joined: Sep. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,06:08   

... into a world much like our planet earth, but devoid of people.

The child manages to survive to a young adult age by eating the plentiful fruits and animals of the forests and savannahs she finds herself in.

She remembers nothing of awaking here in her early childhood, she has only ever been aware of the world she sees, feels, hears and smells around her.

As she sits thoughtfully one day by a lake, gazing at the view around her, does she think to herself ... :

A) ... that this magnificent world she finds herself in to be so utterly wondrous, bountiful, supportive of her life, and incredibly complex, that it must have all been created by some magnificent, omnipotent creator.
She sits back contentedly at this thought, quietly comforted with the feeling that there is an indecipherable higher power somewhere looking out for her who has created these wonders for her.

B) ... that this magnificent world she finds herself in is indeed wondrous, and is a little curious to find out why it is so wondrous. Where does the fruit she eat come from. Why are there fish in the lake. Why is the sky blue during the day, but red in the morning and evening. Why are there insects buzzing about, eating the discarded remains of the fruit. Why do those animals with big teeth chase and eat those other large grass-eating animals? Why does some fruit agree with me but others make me sick. Why are there some animals that are as happy in the water as they are on land.
In finding these questions in her head, she sits back contentedly and decides to start investigating all these wonders the minute she wakes up the following morning.

  19 replies since May 02 2006,06:08 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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