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  Topic: Birthday Trifecta!, 3 members celebrate their birthday!< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 544
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 20 2008,19:19   

Quote (dheddle @ Nov. 21 2008,00:52)
Close--it's the last day in MM/DD/YYYY format, or the girly Euro DD/MM/YYYY format, to be all odd numbers: 11/19/1999 --until 11/11/3111 (or 1/1/3111 if you give that pass you mentioned to leading zeroes.)

Hmmm, I think mine was more special. There will be lots of dates which have your property between now and the next date which has my property.

Also my date has a high degree of CSI.  The number of possible dates following today is infinite.  The description 'next day containing only ones and nines' is short and specific. Therefore, more books sold to the easily impressed, and more profit.

Also "one" is perfect, as in "one true god". And "nine" is perfect, as in "trinity of trinities" which could get the numerology people to part with thier dosh as well.

  21 replies since Nov. 20 2008,16:42 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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