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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 18 2008,19:09   

Quote (sledgehammer @ Nov. 18 2008,14:46)
Steve, I think i understand where you're coming from. Nicotine is a great drug, it's the various delivery systems that suck.  When I quit years ago, I tried replacement therapy (gum, patch).  It didn't work too well, because I never got the "kick" from those that inhaling nicotine laden smoke did. After looking at a comparison of blood nicotine levels that result form smoking to that of the patch, it was clear what the problem was.  The time profile of inhaled nicotine consisted of a low background level interspersed with these enormous spikes in concentration, whereas the patch kept a nice even concentration of nicotine in the blood, but at a level way below the spikes. If the background level was raised to the level of the spikes, it would probably be lethal (arrhythmia being one of the significant symptoms of nicotine overdose).
 So here's what worked for me:  you get yourself some patches and instead of sticking them to your body, stick them to a piece of tissue paper, and then put them back in the foil envelope.  Then, when you feel the need, take a deep snort from the foil package, sucking air past the exposed patch.  The nicotine vapor is so concentrated that not only will you feel the familiar tightness in your lungs that you get from a good hit off an unfiltered Camel, but hold your breath, like with a good toke, and you'll get the head rush that says, ahhh that's what I needed. A couple of hits of that, and it's like you smoked a whole cig. Pure nicotine, no added carcinogens (except for the mutagenic effects of the nicotine itself, of course)
 I kept that up for a few weeks and naturally began hitting it less and less.  After a month or so, I quit entirely. I've been nicotine free for six years now.

ooooo, sledge, yours is the best post so far.

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