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  Topic: Presidential Politics & Antievolution, Tracking the issue< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 124
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 14 2008,15:05   

Quote (Ftk @ Sep. 13 2008,22:07)
Oleg, that link is hilarious.  I did learn something though.  A few weeks ago, I saw a clip on the news of some guy mooning an audience of people.  I didn't pay much attention to it because I was just walking through my living room as my husband was watching the news.

Now, it all makes sense...

A Kansas university professor, Fort Hays State University debate coach William Shanahan, "is under fire after a video showing him mooning a room full of students and faculty during a heated debate found its way onto YouTube." He "is shown on the video in a profane, in-your-face argument with his counterpart from the University of Pittsburgh ...."

ROTFLMAO!  That's who I saw in the clip...what a loon!!!!  Being a professor and all (a *science* professor at that!), I hope you're able to keep your pants pulled up while you're lecturing your students!

Don't you have duel citizenship?  Haven't you been in the states since the early 90's?

Shanahan wasn't a scientist or a science professor by any stretch of the imagination.  Naw, he specialized in communications . . . couldn't ya tell??

Shanahan has a strong aversion to science; also, to law enforcement personnel, shoes, public schools, haircuts, professors who make more $$$ than he does, his son's T-ball umpire, district court judges, those who question his pronouncements, mown lawns, interstate speed limits below 85 mph, optometrists, and teachers.  His arrests for aggravated assault were pled down to disorderly conduct.

FHSU is well rid of him.  Why the professor from UPittsburgh wasn't also fired is a mystery.

olegt, I hope you don't have "duel" citizenship; we'd hate to see you go the way of Alexander Hamilton.

Stand Up For REAL Science!

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