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  Topic: Presidential Politics & Antievolution, Tracking the issue< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 09 2008,17:50   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 09 2008,23:31)
Quote (Erasmus @ FCD,Sep. 09 2008,09:16)
fine have it your way.

it's ok to play kick the believing christians but we can't play kick the believing voters.  i smell inconsistency here, perhaps it is that BR^OWN stain on your red dress.

belief in progress through politics = belief in orthogenesis

belief in justice through politics = belief in justice from bearded sky thunderer

I'm not a nihilist, you're just full of shit.

So sitting in the corner and sniveling about the unfairness of it all is the answer. Gotcha.

Snivelling is ALWAYS the answer for many people.


1) Work with the system for change.

2) Smash the system.

3) Refuse to participate and disenfranchise yourself.

4) Remove yourself from the system and set your own one up.

I prefer a combination of 1, 2 and 4 as and when appropriate.

Since 'twas only mere months ago that dear 'Ras was telling me that my dislike of bigotry was equivalent to bigotry (despite reasoned disagreement being at the core of said dislike), I'm guessing that this latest "voting = praying" is yet another false equivalence in a long line of wind ups.



  1878 replies since Aug. 25 2008,04:17 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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