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  Topic: AFDave Wants You to Prove Evolution to Him< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 117
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,02:39   

I am a computer engineer and was brought to this debate by the ID side trying to convince me that biologists were hiding facts. After some very convincing arguments and actually beginning to doubt the biologist's explanation, I started to do some of my own research.

What I found was that the ID community was primarily driven not by evidence, but religion. In fact the people who originaly tried to convince me of ID (and claimed that it wasn't religious) were clearly very religious people. ID could very well have some good points, but they try to claim things that they cannot prove. Plus instead of releasing studies, often they only released press releases in response to scientist's studies.

Evolution does not make any claims beyond that which they can show within reason. ID activists claim that Evolution wants to make claims about the origins of life, but the evidence for the origins of life is very sparse and the theory of evolution doesn't touch it because it is so sparse. Occasionally someone does some experiements on how life could have intially formed, but as of yet no conclusions have been drawn, and certainly this is outside of the scope of evolution.

After doing my own research I found that ID's view of evolution tends to be mostly misconceptions and strawmen. To me, this is not a convincing argument, and if I may be so bold, it should not be a convincing argument to anyone. The people who believe in ID WANT to believe. Scientists should not allow their emotions to become involved with the search for facts.

As for myself, I attend church weekly, but remain agnostic. I could probably discuss the Bible and philosophy with the best if I were so inclined, but I find that my perspective tends to only brings out anger with some people so I keep it to myself. I have found that no matter how much arguing I do with someone, I'm never going to change their religious views. People have to want to change their views themselves.

I know this is going to lead nowhere. You, afdave, will not change your opinion. In fact, anyone posting on this forum will probably not change their opinion. We have done all the searching that we need to form our opinions, and drawn our conclusions. I think that here are those of us who wish to be told what to think and then there are those of us who wish to draw their own conclusions. Most people on here try to draw their own conclusions (even you afdave). Of those who wish to draw their own conclusions, some try to be objective and weigh all the evidence while some try to do that while also bringing in a belief system, which really isn't proven by any objective means (at this point in history). The latter method isn't good enough for me.

Overwhelming Evidence: Apply directly to the forehead.

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