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  Topic: Is the clergy letter project a waste of time ?, Anti-evolution/religion< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
Joined: Aug. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 12 2008,06:08   

From the article that Jason linked to

When Salon interviewed me about my new book, "Saving Darwin," I suggested that science doesn't know everything, that there might be a reality beyond science, and that religion might be about God and not merely about the human quest for a nonexistent God. These remarks got me condemned to whatever hell Myers believes in.

I would say that most (if not all) evangelical Christians would agree with Karl Giberson on this statement. So what exactly is the point that Jason Rosenhouse and PZ Myers are trying to make here ? Atheists criticise evangelical Christians for accepting the YEC nonsense and yet, at the slightest oppertunity they attack those who accept evolution. Then they have the audacity to promote "evolution Sunday" or the clergy letter project (do Jason Rosenhouse and PZ Meyers support the clergy letter project and evolution Sunday ?).

As I have said, certain Atheists just make evangelical Christians look silly in the face of YECs (and by the way, I have a great admiration for both Rosenhouse and Meyers, it's just their spiritual beliefs that I disagree with)

Giberson is correct.  Science doesn't explain everything. i.e. the whys and wherefores of life. As an example, UTV are covering the 10th anniverseray of the Omagh bomb this week. In one interview yesterday evening, a survivor told her story and the fact that she was standing with two of her friends when the bomb went off. Both her friends died and yet she lived. She put this down to divine providence. I think if I had lived through such an experience I'd probably feel the same.

  73 replies since July 20 2008,17:37 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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