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  Topic: The Guts/Nelson Alonso Thread, From Telic Thoughts, With Love< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 06 2008,16:13   

Quote (Guts @ July 06 2008,14:08)

No, because that would have entailed more honesty than you're willing to display here.

No it would directly contradict what i believe.

Okay, Nelson. You can't name any ID predictions and yet you seem fine with this. This seems not to bother you at all.

Yet you said this:


I could name dozens of ID predictions that have passed tests. But there seems to be a fundamental misundersatnding of science and how it is done in this forum.

Name the dozens. Show us how science is done. Put up or shut up, since you're supposedly the only scientifically literate one here. Quit dodging the questions.

ol Steve, maybe you should re-read the beginning pages of these threads where there is insult after insult all directed at TT bloggers. It's a little too late to tell people to take the high ground.


Quote (Guts @ July 06 2008,05:47)
I'm not the one that came here and started a mindless thread to attack my website, if you have something substantive to say against anything write, say it. So far, I only see faggotry, which is pathetic.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

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