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  Topic: What are the Good Arguments Against "Eugenics?"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2460
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,13:29   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 11 2006,18<!--emo&:0)
LOL!  You are all over the place.  I attempt to define the beginning of human life and you pooh-pooh such attempts at clarity.  

Thordaddy, you mistake consistency for clarity. You consistently fail to make distinctions that everyone else here makes as a matter of course, and then wonder why everyone thinks you're not listening.

For absolutely the last time, trying to define the beginning of life is an absolute waste of time. It's a legal nullity, and in the context of the abortion debate, the only important definitions are legal definitions. As Nike pointed out to you, the U.S. Supreme Court has defined personhood unambiguously, which has nothing to do with when human life begins. You don't like this definition, so you try to come up with another entirely irrelevant definition for something that has no legal significance.

Then you boldly claim the difference between an "adult person and a 20-minute old zygote."  But what's the difference between a specific zygote and the person it becomes, is the real question?

No, that's not the real question. There is no real question here, except why is Thordaddy incapable of making simple distinctions.

Again, your argument relies on ignorance.  "Eugenics" is fine for "human life" that we remain ambiguous about, but "eugenics" for other human "beings" that we have  arbitrarily defined is off-limits.

How does my argument rely on ignorance? My argument relies on meaningful distinctions as opposed to meaningless distinctions. The real ignorance here is yours. You simply cannot distinguish between a scientific argument and a legal argument, a religious argument and an ethical argument.

I want to know how you create this differentiation?

What, between an adult an a zygote? If you can't make that distinction without me pointing it out to you, you truly are a lost cause. If you cannot make a distinction beween killing an adult and killing a zygote, I fail to understand why you think you're qualified to discuss an issue as complex as abortion.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

  46 replies since April 11 2006,10:53 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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