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  Topic: Life Doesn't Begin at Conception?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,12:02   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 11 2006,16:29)

Is that really the legal argument for why we don't define human life starting at conception?  I thought the legal argument was that women had privacy rights over their own bodies.  This "right to privacy" translated into a right to abortion.  This is the legal argument.  A weak one indeed.

Here we go again. We're barely a paragraph into your response, and already you've fundamentally misinterpreted what I said. I didn't give a legal argument for not defining the beginning of life as conception; I gave a practical argument. Do you understand the distinction?  

Conception is conception.  It needs no further clarification.  It represents the beginning of a unique human life and everyone who has ever lived has experienced conception (a beginning).  Your attempt is to create ambiguity.  This represents the antithesis of science.  It's asking us to remain in a state of ignorance.

You're acting as if I'm saying the moment of conception is ambiguous. As usual, you simply cannot follow a simple argument. What I am saying is that it's impractical to define life as beginning at conception because the moment of conception is difficult to pinpoint. If you disagree, then I'd like you to outline a procedure by which a woman could determine the exact moment of conception. Is this something she should do continuously for, say, 48 hours after sex? Does that seem a workable solution to you?

Actually, being born just represents when a child is no longer a part of a woman's body.  That's it.  But then we have those cases of partial-birth abortion and the severing of umbilical cords.  Birth is certainly not the beginning of life if conception isn't.

Here we are, a few thousand words later, and you still don't get it. You'll never get it. You are constitutionally incapable of getting it.

What's so controversial about saying if you get pregnant you must accept the responsibility to bring your child into this world to raise it or give up for adoption?  What is controversial about that societal notion?

Gee, Thordaddy, what's so controversial about the idea that if you're raped, you shouldn't be saddled with the consequences of someone else's crime?

This would be a legitimate concern if it weren't for the fact that an innocent human life is being killed based on the whim of another individual.  It's mother of all people, too!  We aren't talking about balancing rights and responsibilities, but rather whether one human being may kill another based on personal choice and the legal power to do so?

As usual, you fail to make the distinction between a "human life" and a "person." As has been pointed out to you no fewer than twenty times, this is an important legal distinction. Your failure to understand the difference pretty much disqualifies you from even having an opinion on the subject.

Quote innocent human life is being killed based on the whim of another individual.

Here's another reason why you're simply not equipped emotionally to discuss this issue, Thordaddy. Women do not get an abortion on a "whim." Obviously you've never seen, or known, a woman who has had to get an abortion, and seen them anguish over their choice. Your dismissal of their emotional pain shows just how clueless you are about the entire subject, and who manifestly unfit you are to try to argue about it.

You may stay in a state of ambiguity.  Isn't doesn't bother me.  It will bother you though.

I'm not the one who's in a state of ambiguity. Life and experience are fraught with ambiguity, and your inability to understand that causes you to trip over your own shoelaces over and over again. You persist in your belief that life is black and white, and it's not. It's life's very ambiguity that makes you burn up a few hundred thousand words in trying unsuccessfully to argue that science proves that abortion, any abortion, for any reason, is murder and should be forbidden. And, if you're wondering who's bothered by this ambiguity, I should point out that you're the one who's been spouting your anguish over an issue that doesn't even actually concern you, unless you're thinking of having an abortion yourself. Why does this issue trouble you so, Thordaddy?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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