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  Topic: Kent Hovind on tape, Direct from jail< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2333
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2008,20:33   

Quote (carlsonjok @ June 30 2008,18:18)
Quote (lcd @ June 30 2008,20:12)
Quote (American Saddlebred @ June 30 2008,17:39)
What, are you all scare of the TRUTH?  [B]DR.[/] Kent Hovind proves that evolution is IMPOSSIBLE and it is a RELIGON that send you to HELL.  That really hot place I cant wait to see you all go to so I can LAUGH at your.  Do YOU think the earth can really be BILLIONS of years old?  You werent there to see it!  GOD creatard me.  Not some MONKEYS AND GOO.  You need to OPEN your eyes to the TRUTH.

I will PRAY for you.


Your mocking me aren't you?

Only on the surface. Deep inside we are seeing our whole worldview collapse at the feet of your incisive logic.  We are scared of the dark that is enveloping us and we shake our fists at it in a futile attempt to stave off the inevitable.

Yeah, I near pissed my pants with... well not really.

It isn't even that funny. If Icd is a pretend creato, we can do it better. If they are for real, then it is merely pathetic.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


  291 replies since Feb. 15 2007,16:13 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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