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  Topic: Will a "gay gene" refute I.D.?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 486
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,11:16   

ericmurphy opines,

Thordaddy, do honestly believe anyone would actually choose to be gay? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to be gay in America? If being homosexual were some sort of "choice," no one in his or her right mind would "choose" to be homosexual.

Would anyone honestly choose to do a lot of things that have negative consequences?  Obviously, they do! Is your stance that all such situations genetically-based?  So if no one would "choose" to be homosexual, is such an orientation ABNORMAL?

I actually live in a region of the country where a significant fraction of the population is gay. And if you think that gay people suffer by comparison to straight people in any significant moral or ethical way, you're not just wrong, you're ignorant. I generally find gay people more intelligent, more engaging, more compassionate, more considerate, and generally more admirable than straight people. And I'm straight myself, if you think that I might in some way be prejudiced against straight people.

That matters NOT A WIT to a father who has 2 young children and has to make a decision to send his children into a very deceitful school system.

I mean, look at all the responses from supposed scientists, and the total denial of the fact that American homosexuals are HIGHLY-OVERREPRESENTATED in incidences of AIDS, STDs, drug abuse, domestic violence and early mortality.

This is a fact and you are suggesting I should remain ignorant to the fact that the California school system has a friendly pro-gay stance.  Homosexuality is "normal," but then it isn't because NO ONE would CHOOSE such a lifestyle, right?

Are there gay people who are jerks? Of course. On the other hand, gay jerks are massively outnumbered by straight jerks.

But I could care less about "homosexual" personalities.  I've known gay people and whatever they do in their personal life is their business.  Teaching the "normalcy" of homosexuality is a whole other ballgame for a father of two.

And if you think defining the "beginning of life" is hard, try defining "normal."

So again we play the game.  Blur what it is to mean "normal" and abracadabra... Homsexuality is normal.

As usual, you're trying to find some way to get science to support your bigotries and prejudices. It ain't gonna work.

But of course... do you do anything different?  Your whole retort was devoid of any science and totally represented your biases and prejudices in favor of the "normalcy" of homosexuals.  Then again, NO ONE would choose to be "homosexual."  But they're still "normal."

  112 replies since April 06 2006,06:47 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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