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  Topic: Panda's Thumb / AtBC Locations, meet each other when you're in town< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2008,17:03   

Quote (dogdidit @ May 23 2008,18:45)
Quote (Lou FCD @ May 23 2008,11:56)
Quote (Alan Fox @ May 23 2008,11:31)
Bloody hell you read a lot into my post. No really, what is Starbucks?

A coffee house chain that's based in (ahem) Seattle of all places.

The coffee's mediocre, the prices are outrageous, and it's the place to see and be seen by the mindless hordes of lemmings that wouldn't know good coffee if it bit them.

Most irritating of all, instead of ordering your coffee in small, medium, or large, it crashes right through the stupid and pretentious barrier by labeling its sizes as "tall, venti, and grande" (or maybe vice versa on the last two, I forget).

Tall, grande, and venti, in that order. You can actually get small, medium, and large sizes, too. They just don't advertise them. (Americans prefer their coffee supersized, along with everything else.)

Alan, Starbucks is coffee almost as good as the average coffee served throughout Europe and South America. It is head and shoulders better than the thin swill that typically passes for coffee here in the states (what my Dutch friends call "look-through coffee"). Other than that, Starbucks is indeed mediocre and over-priced. But when you can't find anything that meets your standards, lower your standards. Hence I go there often. :) It's really good coffee!!

Coffee should be like a body building, midget porn star from Turin with Zambian ancestry:

Short, black, Italian, hint of the exotic, powerful, and {ahem} punches well above it's weight.


P.S. Ok so that simile didn't exactly work, but I've been drinking. Sue me. Pay day is a wondeful thing. Nipped out of work at 6:30pm (hey, it's P.O.E.T.S. Day*, I can leave early) dropped the car off and popped to the shops to get some food for the weekend. Ended up piss drunk four hours later with a loaf of Polish bread and something suspiciously like some sausages. Luckily made the smart move and took the beloved with me. Thus the couch and I will not be spending the night together! Hoorah! And a merry christmas to one and all. Up your knickers Queenie!

* Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday. Weekly British festival day.


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