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  Topic: Panda's Thumb / AtBC Locations, meet each other when you're in town< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2008,10:02   

Quote (Alan Fox @ May 23 2008,15:18)
Quote (Louis @ May 23 2008,04:16)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ May 23 2008,11:31)
Half of everything is "opposite that Starbucks". The other half is "next to that Starbucks".

True true.

I'm reminded of Lewis Black's epic piece about the fact that he has discovered the end of the universe. I.e. that bit between two Starbucks facing each other on the same street.

Anyway, I'm off to Starbucks....


What's Starbucks?

LOL Don't be mean just because you live in an apparently civilised country as opposed to an apparently uncivilised one, or one which, for some reason* is trying very hard to emulate an uncivilised one.


*Love the USA though I do, and I genuinely do love it and its people, I am constantly bemused by the "Special Relationship"**. I can only think it's because we, as a nation, are too lazy to learn French, and that the words "Entente Cordiale" sound to the Little Britainers like some kind of soft drink. We should stop mincing about, join Europe and get on with life. Doesn't mean that the USA can't play too (it needs to be more positively outward looking, by which I mean having a foreign policy beyond "They're foreign, bomb them". Learning from your own mistakes is clever, learning form the mistakes of others is genius. It's time we all shaped up, but can I hope just a little bit that the USA will learn from the imperialist cock ups of Europe?), it just means that we should strong forge links closer to home as well as across the Atlantic. I've always thought that the UK's future lies in Europe, mainly because they have better cafes, cuisine, women and mountains. ;-)

**Which seems to be the same as the relationship between a beaten trailer park wife and her abusive uneducated thug of a husband, as Marcus Brigstocke put so memorably.


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