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  Topic: A thread for William Wallace, To talk about important things< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1961
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2008,04:26   

Quote (didymos @ May 08 2008,00:45)
Quote (blipey @ May 07 2008,22:02)
An aside that you can answer AFTER:

ahem,  Does Jesus know you're avatar is flipping people off?


Does that make him cry?

I'm thinkin' what Jesus would do in this situation would be to execute whatever the equivalent of flipping someone off is if you're a 1st century mediterranean Jewish peasant.  I seem to recall something about him not being too keen on hypocrites who cloak themselves in piety.

Don't know, maybe this is a bad idea, but I got to thinking, and I can see that image in my mind: Jesus (the robed, bearded character we all know and respect) - with his finger raised.

Religious bigots and hypocrites can't help themselves. It happens all the time, we know them by their fruits:

While I am certain WW would characterize me in the best creationist tardition as a damn atheist Darwinist liar, I can only state my most sincere response to his display of bad taste: It really pissed me off!

One of my "guru's" used this 'metaphor': When you are pointing a finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back towards yourself.  Our friend Jesus is on record with a more poetic way of expressing the same eternal truth.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.

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