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  Topic: Life Doesn't Begin at Conception?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 486
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,13:33   

ericmurphy questions,

Aren't you the same Thordaddy who imputes consciousness to a zygote?

Your claim that the "egg/sperm argument" is bunk, is in fact bunk. You can't present any evidence that an unfertilized egg a) isn't alive, and/or b) isn't human. Your choice of conception as the beginning of human life is just as arbitrary now, six pages later, as it was at the beginning of this thread. You've never gotten past that fundamental error, and it was clear 20 posts ago that you never will.

Actually, I said there is no evidence to suggest that consciousness emerges anywhere other than at conception.  If you have evidence to the contrary, please present it.

Secondly, I have no problem stating that an egg and sperm are "alive."  I do disagree that they represent a human life.  I have seen no evidence of either an individual sperm or individual egg individually transitioning to a zygote and then an embryo to a baby.  Have you seen such transformation?

So if the sperm and egg represent your beginning then you must continue back into the past because each sperm and egg were actual products of other sperm and eggs.  You are claiming to be an mere individuated outgrowth of one very large and very old single entity.  Is that what the science tells you?

Either you had a beginning or you didn't.  

If you didn't have a beginning then you are either an eternal being or YOU sprang from nonlife.  

If you had a beginning it was either before conception, at conception or after conception.

Before conception means you are a mere outgrowth of a larger and older SINGLE entity.  Your death would be equivalent to this entity clipping his toenails.

After conception means you would have some scientific evidence to make this assertion.  What is it?

At conception means I have presupposed for lack of any credible evidence to say otherwise.

  239 replies since Mar. 30 2006,21:26 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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