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  Topic: Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
J. G. Cox

Posts: 38
Joined: Dec. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,09:45   

Except for the most important one: would evolutionary theory predict a "gay gene"?

 No, it would not, because (as far as we know) mutations are random. Thus, just because some trait might affect fitness does not affect that probability that that trait will arise; it simply means that if it does, then the probable fate of that trait will be determined by its fitness influence.

 If you can come up with a way to predict mutations (not just differential probabilities of transitions versus transversions), then you have just scored yourself a Nobel. In any case, that would be incorporated right into evolutionary theory because evolution, like all scientific theories, is amenable to adjustment as new information is obtained.

 ID, however, seems amenable to adjustment only as the political and legal climate changes.

  1264 replies since April 04 2006,15:41 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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